Water Accounting for Oum Er Rbia river Basin


Towards transparent and regular communication about water resources


The Water Accounting tool in the Oum Er Rbia basin is developed as part of the FAO/World Bank cooperation program. This tool aims to improve the knowledge and management of watershed and aquifer water resources. It will support the, Strengthening Water Sector Governance, component of the World Bank's Program for Water Security and Resilience in Results (PforR).


Water accounting makes the various terms of the water balance transparent and identifies the levers of action. That's why it's important to develop a tool that to allows each of the stakeholders involved in water management to effectively participate in discussions and dialog arround water resource allocation. This tool provides a dashboard for monitoring the evolution of water resources, their use, and the water balance at different scales.

The benefits of the tool are multiple:"

  • It promotes consultation and mutual understanding among stakeholders.
  • It allows for more informed decision-making, taking into account all the stakes.
  • It contributes to better water resource management.

The development of this tool thus aims to ensure sustainable management of water resources.


The water accounting tool is a WebGIS platform that allows stakeholders to visualize the impact of proposed action plans.

The tool consists of three modules:

  • A database to store the data necessary for calculating
  • Models to calculate the different terms of the water balance.
  • A dashboard to visualize the results of the calculations.

The following open-source tools are used for the development of the tool:

  • PostgreSQL with its PostGIS extension for database management.
  • A Python framework for backend development.
  • HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript for the frontend.
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Zoom to extent
Show map layers
  • River Basins
  • Wa Units
  • Rivers
  • Dams
  • Aquifers
  • LSI Perimeters
  • Provinces
  • Communes
Show base map
  • Mapbox Streets
  • Open Street Map
  • ESRI Satellite
  • ESRI World Gray Canvas
  • ESRI Nat Geo World Map
  • ESRI World Physical
  • ESRI WORLD Topo Map
  • CartoDB Voyager Labels
  • CartoDB Voyager Only Labels
  • CartoDB Voyager
  • CartoDB Position
  • CartoDB Position No Label
  • Google Streets
  • Google Maps Hybrid
  • Google Satellite
  • Google Terrain